Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Since I posted last... Brian returned from Washington DC (personal invite from the president, you know... no, not really) just in time to save me from going absolutely insane being the sole caretaker to these 3 wild animals who call me "Mom".  I seriously don't know what I would do if he ever deploys and leaves us for an extended period of time. We have been so lucky to not have to deal with that... but like any military family, we know that it's always a possibility.

Poor man. He would probably return from deployment to a houseful of feral children and a wife who is muttering to herself in the corner. Still in her bathrobe. Drinking coffee from 2 weeks ago. Yep, I can see it now....

Ok, ok back to the here and now.

Last week I volunteered in O's classroom- helping the kids sew superhero capes from fabric they had brought to school. Very simple design- each cape consists of an outer layer of fabric and then a liner. They also had cut out decorations that they will (at a later date) attach to the cape.  Anyway, both J and E joined me in the classroom (which was a HUGE hit for the kids) and I sewed with the kids. It was a wonderful idea that the teacher had - to have the kids be involved in the making of their capes as much as possible, having them do all the pinning and then supervised sewing with the machine. Unfortunately, I don't think the teacher anticipated just how time consuming this project would be... I was in the classroom for an hour and a half... and I was able to help complete TWO capes.  At the end of the day, I asked O's teacher if I could help her out by taking the capes home to sew them... and she happily agreed.  So, I spent last night sewing together 18 super hero capes- it took me two hours to do all of them (much better than how it went in the class room!) and I LOVED seeing all the combinations that the kids came up with! It was fun trying to guess whose cape was whose, based on what I know about these kids. 

And now, here is the handsome 2nd grader modeling his own cape... You can't see it in this picture, but the liner is RED. :)
This is his "crime-fighting" face


Today's naptime project:

After E went down for nap today, J and I started tearing up the wooden deck. We have a large, wonderful concrete patio, and this wooden deck seems to have been built to add onto that. BUT- it's all warped and yucky, plus it just doesn't work for our family... It's just such a weird space! So, up it goes! 

Working hard!
Happy Tuesday!
~ Kerry

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