Monday, April 8, 2013

Catching Up...

A bit of goings on about my oldest that I haven't written about yet... I really wanted a good time to sit and write, a time of peacefulness and quiet, a time all by myself... Yeah, who am I trying to kid?? Maybe I'll get that time in 16 years, HA!

The Gifted and Talented program that Owen is involved in through school (and now Jacob too! He was accepted and will start next year!) does a very intense, months long research project that they call TRIYS (Texas Research Institute of Young Scholars). Owen chose not to participate in this project during 1st and 2nd grade, mainly because a requirement of the project includes presenting the finished project to a panel of judges and the thought of public speaking gives my son the heebie jeebies.

This year, my husband and I pushed him to participate, and he did! With a small amount of grumbling and muttering, but still, he did it!

The kids are asked to think of a "global issue", and then they create groups based on their interest in whichever issue they chose. Some of the groups chose West Nile Virus, some chose drought issues, some chose pollution. My son wound up in a group with two other (super awesome and smart) boys, and they chose to research energy drinks.
Here's the 3 research scientists!
 These kids had to log so many hours researching energy drinks and their effects. They had to get in touch with an "expert" in the field, and so they interviewed a local cardiologist to get his views on the harmful effects of energy drinks. They participated in a school TRIYS Fair, where they set up a booth with all of their information. Kids would use a soft bowling ball to knock down "pins" made of empty energy drink cans. My guys would then teach the students a fact for every pin that had been knocked down. Each boy also made an alternative to energy drinks- an "energy smoothie" made of natural ingredients and this was offered to the students as well.

Bowling for energy drink facts...

In an effort to educate the community about the harmful effects of energy drinks, we realized that we had a very useful resource close to home. Our Air Force base here is teeming with airmen just out of basic training... what better resource that a large group of 20 year old kids??

My husband pulled some strings and got the boys about 40 military students to interview and present their project to. What luck! :)

The boys and military students... and their official cheerleader there on the right!
The boys then arranged all of the information that they'd gathered into a (wonderful, if I do say so myself) Power Point presentation, and then they practiced, practiced, and practiced. When the day came for the preliminary round, the boys were confident and ready... and they passed that portion with flying colors!

Finally, the next week, they were bussed to the school district's main building to give their final presentation.

I can't even begin to tell you the pride that I felt, watching this child of mine stand in front of a room full of people and speak with such confidence and poise. Blown away. I was totally blown away.

They worked so hard. These kids made me so incredibly, overwhelmingly proud.

When it was over- the awards were given out, and my son earned himself a silver medal.

I am so proud. :)


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