Monday, June 25, 2012


Juat a quick post- I am still jet-lagged like nobody's business, and I feel like I am about 2 steps behind of the rest of the day. Yuck.

Ok, are you ready for a brag-worthy moment??

I have to brag on my littlest boy, he is just getting so dang big, and he's so very very smart.

This note was from shower time, it was his quiet protest against shower/bed time- he wrote it all himself with no help whatsoever (not even from his big brother) and then it was quietly deposited in my hand.

You may have to look close, but it reads...

"I'm not going to the sharo"

Pretty good, huh? The only misspelled word was "shower", and that's a toughie!

I am so proud of him...

But he still had to take a shower.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


As we drive towards San Angelo under cover of night, the lights of the city slowly appear out of the inky blackness and I marvel at the strange tug in my heart. Perhaps I am more attached to this place, with it's gentle, flat landscape and a sky that stretches as far as the eye can see. Tomorrow, I know I'll wake up and curse the danged heat and the wind and the empty dryness, but for now, this moment, it feels like coming home.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Final full day in CA... As of this morning, my pants are feeling quite snug. Diet recommences Thursday.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Why are "family" activities so not fun for the whole family? And when did I turn into my parents?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Ah California. A quick update on the past couple of days: The Strong family has been to San Francisco... We've watched the sea lions fighting for position on Pier 39, we've marveled at the undersea wonders at the San Fran aquarium, we've taken a tour of Madame Toussaud's Wax Museum (resulting in nightmares for this brave mama- not sure if the kids were similarly affected). But the best, the most fun, the most memorable of events from our San Francisco day was the dinner stop at the San Francisco Creamery. See, we watched an episode of Man Vs Food before our CA trip- the one where Adam Richman takes The Kitchen Sink Challenge. What is the Kitchen Sink? Imagine this: 8 scoops of ice cream, 3 bananas, 8 toppings, and 8 servings of whipped cream, all served up in an actual kitchen sink for you masochistic pleasure. Well duh, we had to experience this for ourselves, are you kidding me??? I am unable to upload pics away from home, but rest assured that the experience was epic. Let's just say... The challenge kicked our collective booties. Yesterday was a trip to Santa Cruz (I <3 Santa Cruz, laid back hippie beach town- yes please!). We cruised the boardwalk and rode carnival rides for hours and hours. Owen had a couple of cousins (10 year old girls) along for the ride, and I kid you not, they rode every single ride on the boardwalk once, then twice, then over and over again. When the rides were ridden (and yes, I rode the Fireball... I am proud of myself yessiree) and our bellies were full of corndogs, ice cream cones, and fried artichoke hearts, we headed down on the beach. I had figured that it would be too chilly for getting wet, but Owen proved me wrong by immediately diving in, jean shorts, tshirt and all. Even Evelyn had a blast- after her shoes were off she ran straight for the shore and laughed as the waves lapped at her little baby toes and sucked her feet into the sand. Expect a glut of pictures after we get back. For now, I am relaxed, I am rejuvenated, my soul feels full with the sweet California sunshine, the ocean breeze, and the green. Oh the green. Thank you California for reminding me that the world is so much bigger than the arid and brown Texas sky. Turns out, no matter where I roam, I really always am a Pacific coast girl. -Kerry

Saturday, June 9, 2012


My impressions of California, day 2: Owen swam in a swimming pool today where he was the only child not wearing a turban or speaking Sikh. Fresh cherries were bought for $1.50/lb... and they were delicious. All 3 lbs of them. And yes, now I do have a belly ache. We visited a flea market. I have never before visited a flea market. This totally satisfied any remaining desire to ever again visit any flea market again. Yup, I'm good. When you drive only 10 miles over the speed limit on I5, you get angry people trying to pass you and flipping you the finger. While honking. And presumably reloading. When you eat at a BBQ joint in CA, they still serve your plate with a slice of sandwich bread, but instead of white bread, you get a slice of multigrain wheat. Did I mention the green?? It is so unbelievably, deliciously green here. It is so very very nice to be out of TX. -Kerry

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I really wish her daddy hadn't shown her how the spray nozzle works...

Monday, June 4, 2012


It turns out that I am really bad at blogging. I have all these great ideas for posts and cute, funny stories about my family, but it seems to be very difficult to find a good amount of time to actually sit and write.  I think part of it too is that I keep waiting for something really awesome to happen to my family, so that I will have a really awesome post... and that's just not going to happen! My life is full of day-to-day things that are awesome to ME, but are probably insanely boring to anyone else. 

So, instead of waiting for the super awesome amazing event to occur so that I can write an amazing fabulous award-winning blog post about said event, I am going to experiment with posting "snippets" instead.  I hope to publish a new post every day, but it won't be anything big- just a small "snippet" about our day.  Hopefully this works better, and my mom will stop sending me hate mail because I haven't posted anything in 3 weeks...??

We are heading to California on Friday and will be gone for a couple weeks, so I'll be attempting this on my husband's iPhone while we're there... fingers crossed, everyone.

Without further ado... here is today's "snippet":

Here are my 2 boys. They went to bed in their own beds. Wearing their own pajamas, no less. When I went to bed (much much later that night) I found them in one bed, and at some point, they'd switched jammies.

Just another day in the Strong house.
