Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Tuesday is my new favorite day of the week.  Why? Well, it may have something to do with the kids having no school on Monday this week...

We had "leftover" Snow Days this year, so the school district decided to give those days back to the kids as "freebies" and they got to enjoy a long Easter weekend having off Friday and Monday.  Pretty strange for this Alaskan-born-and-bred lady to celebrate a Snow Day with 85 degree weather, let-me-tell-you-what.

Those extra days the kids had off from school made me grateful all over again that I chose to be a stay-at-home mom... My husband was not given those 2 days off work, and unless they work for the school district, I'm sure many other parents had the same situation.  Not to get all sappy sentimental here, but there are times that I feel so lucky to be home with my kids. YES, they drive me batty, YES they are wild monkeys and I am no longer taking them to a store (or other public place), but my family doesn't have to play the "Who stays home from work?" game when things like this come up. It is worth the loss of extra income, it is worth the days without adult interaction, it is worth being pigeon-holed into a stereotype of a 1950's era housewife to know that when my kids get sick, I am here. When they are hungry and grumpy after school and just need some "down time", I am here.  When they don't have school that day... guess what? No problem, because I am here.

And I LOVE being here. But boy oh boy... when they go back to school on Tuesday after having Monday off... Well, I love that too.


Ok, enough on that mushy gushy stuff.

So, this morning, while getting the boys ready for school, I see a note shoved down into O's backpack (he's a boy... he's 8... this is his organizational style).  It announces that HIS school has been chosen to greet Mrs. Perry, the Texas governor's wife, as she arrives at the Art Museum to make a speech. Today. Tuesday.

Good thing he didn't need anything special for it!

He was so excited when he left this morning. "Oh that's right Mom, I'm going to meet the First Lady today!"  He was awed by the importance and significance of such a monumental moment in his short 8 years of life.  I was proud that I had raised such a patriotic child. 

I wish I could have been there to see it.  The paper described the kids wearing their school shirts and waving American flags as Mrs. Perry enters.... *tear*

This was the reaction I got from him this afternoon:

"It was hot and we had to wait for one whole HOUR. Then, she just said, 'blah blah blah Main Street' or something and she left.  Oh, and they showed us a picture of her and it was a young lady, but when she got there she looked really old."

And so goes my child's first dalliance into politics.

Oh well.

Mrs. Perry during the speech, post flag-waving. I think she look pretty good, don't you??

**If you're interested in the story of the First Lady of TX's visit, here's the link** http://www.gosanangelo.com/news/2012/apr/10/texas-first-lady-confers-award-on-san-angelo-in/

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